Emergency Response on the Covid-19 Pandemic
We are facing the devastating effects of the pandemic upon our world, our country, our society, and our lives on all levels. There have been many heartfelt efforts, focused on the healing of the pain and suffering of the people in our world on so many levels. The situation in the Highlands of Vietnam, where our Viet Toc Mission has been ministering for the past 22 years, is also suffering greatly due to the social distancing and the closing of all companies and work places has deprived the Montagnards of the most basic needs to survive.
“Basket of Rice for the Starved” is our Viet Toc project in response to this situation. A donation of $18, can provide a family enough food for at least two weeks or longer depending on the size of the family.
I humbly appreciate your consideration in this urgent pledge for much needed support.
Sincerely yours,
Vang Cong Tran, CSsR
President of Viet Toc Foundation
Donation Options for COVID-19 Pandemic Support
You can donate using one of following options including: Paypal, Zelle, ACH, Wire Transfer, Cheques or Your Group Leader(s)
Notes: Your personal details will be kept confidential
Donation via PayPal
Donation via Zelle
Account #: 7699 545 948
Please use above account number to Viet Toc Zelle account. Viet Toc is non-profit corporation so we can not use email or phone number for transferring.
Donation via ACH
Please use following details for Direct Deposit and Wire Transfer to Viet Toc account
Direct Deposit OnlyWells Fargo Bank Account #: 7699 545 948 Routing #: 055 003 201 |
Wire TransfersWells Fargo Bank Account #: 7699 545 948 Routing #: 121 000 248 |
Donation via Cheque
Viettoc Foundation Inc
P.O. Box 10061
Silver Spring, MD 20914
Project Progress & Financial Reports
We believe in the transparency in finance is our first priority in the project. This section is formed to give you a more details on the progress of our project. We will update the contents frequently to give you the most current situations of where we list ALL the areas in need (The Demand), the villages that have gone through our reviewing process (The Approval), and the record of EVERY Single transactions we received from our contributors (The Sponsors) to make sure all the monies will be delivered to the most needed families.
- The Demand
- USD $57,694.90
- The Sponsors
- USD $13,365.72
- The Approval
- USD $48,312.4
- In Need
- USD $44,329.18
We have received letters upon letters from the Bishop of the Diocese of Kontum, many Priests, and Religious who have been serving our people in remote areas and have informed us of the dire needs and are asking urgently for immediate help.
I humbly and prayerfully ask for your loving support for this urgent need of our people in the Highlands of Vietnam. The sacrifices we share will certainly make a difference in the lives of our people, the Montagnards.
The news of our intentions and this project spread quickly and thus far we have received requests to provide aid to 4,735 families in need and are awaiting to get help!
Mission Of Statement
Viet Toc hopes that through the Links of Love program, you will join us in helping to improve the lives of those in dire need in Vietnam, especially with the education of underprivileged Montagnard children. These children live in remote villages in the Highlands of Lam Dong, GiaLai (including Pleiku, Duc Co, and others), H-Mong and Buon Ma Thuot. Among them are orphans as well as children whose parents suffer from leprosy.
Viet Toc Foundation Inc
109 Duke of Gloucester St
Annapolis MD 21401
P.O. Box 10061
Silver Spring, MD 20914
Fr. Peter Vang Cong Tran
Tel: +1 (904) 476-5761
Email: tcvnam