Viet Nam Mission Trip 2024

Wonderful cooperation of many caring people to make difference in the lives of young Montagnards of different tribes through education.

They Were A Suffering People With Little Or Nothing

During my time there they had over 15 children whom they were tutoring. They both choose to return to the village they grew up in, to relive the conditions, in order to give the children of their village a better chance of achieving what they did.

Living In Squalor, Lepers Often Are Segregated

They’ve kind of gotten pushed back further and further in the mountains.
Their land was passed down from generation to generation, but over time outsiders have just moved in and claimed it, especially in areas with good, clean water.

They Were A Suffering People With Little Or Nothing

I was lucky enough to venture with Dr Harrison and Father Vang. I saw a lot of things and experienced a lot of new foods and traditions.

A Trip For Education And Love!

I saw amazing mothers who fought to take care of the children— Fathers who work hard for their food and drink. Children in the more rural Montagnard villages had one, maybe two, pairs of cloths…