The Dream Of Building Better Life For Our Montagnard
Reflections from Fr. Vang Tran in 2016
Many images flood my mind when I think of our mission in the past many years.
The leper woman with joy on her face before she died because of the new humble home made for her; the hesitant steps of the two women with mental disorder who finally could walk to the store for a hot meal, fully clothed, free from chains that tied them to the posts for many years to prevent them from wandering around naked; or the tears of the students graduating from college who decided to go back and help teach the little children who would not otherwise have any future; the dedication of the many Priests, Religious and Lay Leaders who commit their lives to serve with love and sacrifice. And many more that really become our motivation to continue to venture into the Highlands in search of the most abandoned Montagnard sisters and brothers in the past 18 years.
In them is the Mercy of God revealed. In our mission expressed the many generous hearts from benefactors near and far who share the dream of building better life for our Montagnard communities throughout the Highlands of Vietnam.
I would like to thank God for having all of you joining in our endeavor to serve and to share through Viet Toc Foundation. Together with our teams throughout the States in USA, Australia, Canada and Hong Kong, we wish you all and loved ones Beautiful Blessings of God.
Fr. Peter Vang Cong Tran, CSsR.
Recent Activities
Viet Nam Mission Trip 2024
Wonderful cooperation of many caring people to make difference in the lives of young Montagnards of different tribes through education.