VIET TOC, A Meeting Place of Love
Viet Toc, a name that, now, when people hear it, they immediately know that it is a charity association with special care programs for the ethnic minorities in Vietnam. The foundation was started by a Vietnamese priest living overseas. He wanted to do something to help his homeland and support the poor. Loving and wanting to help. But, what to help with and how to help that would make this support truly useful and lasting?
From the love of the people with good hearts and the vision of love from missionaries living with the ethnic minorities, the scholarship program for the poor and eager-to-learn students was introduced. Those who sympathize with poor people know that only with knowledge, only when learning is valued, can people’s lives truly change, dignity will be lifted, and development will be complete, entirely and steadfastly.
Love has the power to connect and spread. Those who have a heart for the poor and love for their homeland are invited and gathered to make small material contribution, but full of love to contribute to improving the lives of poor and undereducated brothers and sisters. Love for the homeland and love for the poor have united brothers and sisters from many places far-away, in the United States, and even more from many different countries.
Reunions and fundraising events have been organized by groups of people who sometimes “only heard of each other’s names, so meeting each other know each other.” They only see each other through means such as Viber, Messenger… The smiles, shaking hands and hugging in greeting because “a hundred times of hearing is not as good as one time of seeing, and a hundred times of seeing is not as good as a friendly handshake, hugging or greeting!” Smiles rang loud, friendship deepened. Just like that, compassion for the poor is the “land” where many strangers but full of love can meet and bond with each other. Love and the desire to help the poor are one of the characteristics of Christians, of those who live holy lives.
Viet Toc has become one of the gathering places for monks, nuns, and priests of many different Congregations. The occasions when they met to discuss work or simply to eat a meal together, share a bag of fruit, a pot of baluts… had become joyful and friendly, with full of laughters and jokes, having fun with each other of human love, of fellowship. Enthusiasm and dedication for the mission flourished. That love continues to spread to the children who receive support. You receive help, not to succeed in your studies and enjoy yourself, but are called to help others.
Even in each community, children know how to care for and help each other. Help comes not only from outside, but also from the community itself. They follow each other’s example, motivate each other in their studies, and help each other serve their community according to their abilities. On occasions when they gather together, they have the opportunity to meet friends from all over, of different ethnic groups. Children have time to live, work together, learn from each other, compete with each other…
This love also spreads to the children’s parents, families, and villages. They have more opportunities to meet each other, talk with benefactors to share their worries and wishes for themselves and the community, and together they encourage and support their children and grandchildren in their studies. When people and children become more aware of learning, other issues are also concerned: living environment, health…
Since then, health and water programs have been initiated. Clean water and health care systems have been established with the help of benefactors and the efforts of local people. People have contributed their efforts and available materials on site to build useful facilities for the community.
The 25th anniversary of the Viet Toc is a time to thank God, to be grateful for human love, and also, wish that more and more people come together to feel more firmly and vividly that love has the power to spread, the capability to influence the lives of people, of the human community, being changed to become better and more compassionate.
Mark Bui Duy Chien, C.Ss.R
Courtesy Translated by: Diệu Trâm
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